This week flew by so quickly! Teaching is getting better little by little, and the fact that the kids are starting to get to know me (and I'm starting to get to know them) really well makes all the difference. There's nothing I love more than when we walk into class every day and the kids yell "teacha Amba!!" and run up to give me a big hug. These cuties are so hard, but I love them so much. The third picture is Ariel, just look at his eyelashes!!! So so obsessed with those eyelashes haha. Also the last picture shows a few kids that are helping us hold up the rules of English class: 1. English only, 2. Hands to yourself, 3. Eyes on teacher, 4. Sit in your chair, 5. Have fun and be happy, 6. I love you teacher.

On Monday night I was craving a pineapple (as usual), and Angel was standing outside of our gate again so he joined us for the walk to the fruit stand! We said hi to the cute boy in the pictures below who was walking around in cute little pink undies haha. I also snapped a quick picture of the man who runs the shop, he is so kind to us and always cuts up our pineapples for us into little slices. We love him and he is such a sweet man. On the way home we said hi to a little girl in some of my friends' classes, she was running around with her two cute brothers. I saw them eyeing my pineapple so I gave them each a slice and watched them quickly eat it up. It was a humble reminder to me of how hungry these kids really are and what their home-lives are like.

Tuesday night we went to the basketball courts for a little bit to say hi to the kids there! The boy that always calls himself my "novio", or boyfriend (Kevin) was there and hung around me all night which was super cute. He's in the pictures below! Right when we were about to leave for the night, a mom and two little girls (1 was her daughter in the bottom left picture, and 1 was just a little friend who is in the bottom right picture) walked in and we had to say hi! The mom and her daughter were two of the people right outside of our gates the very first day we came here, and we discovered that it was her daughter's (Julianne's) 3rd birthday! So we stayed and played with her for a while, she's is so cute and her mom kept asking up to keep coming back to play with her. It was so fun!

These are some of our after school kids! Ruth is the cute girl in the first picture, I got a picture of her mid-running up to me to give me a hug and yelling "teacha Amber!!". She is for sure one of my favorite students, love her so much! Abby is the crazy little one in the next two pictures, she is always making silly faces and smiling from ear to ear. And the last picture below is the cutest little Kevin, we are obsessed with him.
Saturday it was raining on and off all day, so we skipped the beach and decided to explore around the "central park" area here in Puerto Plata! There wasn't too much to see but we walked around a cathedral, ate ice cream, walked around cute tourist shops (where I found my nephew a little Cars drum) and walked to get tacos :)

Sunday made for a crazy morning haha. We got up and got ready to church, and since it was still raining on and off we asked our neighbor Papi (the taxi driver) to give us a ride to church! We are so glad we did that because as soon as we got there the gates were all locked up outside of the building. So we had him take us to the Stake Center just to see if there were any meetings going on there. Turns out it was Stake Conference that day and no one had told us haha, so we were there like an hour early! The actual meeting went super long too, and we can't understand the spiritual spanish vocabulary haha. So we sat there and wrote in our journals, read scriptures and talks on our phone and made it through! Afterwards we walked down the street to a bakery called Tio Pan, which we had heard was super yummy but didn't know when to go there since it is kinda far away from our house. But since we were already right there by the Stake Center (which is on the same street as Tio Pan) we headed over to eat! It was seriously so yummy and had the best pizza, smoothies (the pineapple and strawberry smoothie is the best thing in the whole world) and cheap, yummy pastries and breads. I have a feeling we will be here very often haha, it is by far our new favorite place to eat here!