Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week 6 in the DR!

This week was so long and hard!  Mainly because we had our Valentine's party on Tuesday and from then on the kids were cranky and just wanted more parties haha!  I posted more pictures from our Valentine's Day party in the blog post before this one so scroll down to see that :) On Valentine's Day a group of us decided to go to our favorite place, Tio Pan, to spoil ourselves with pizza, smoothies and treats :)


Today I wanted to focus a lot of my post on Jose Luis, who I spent a lot of time with this week most nights :)  He is the cutest little human.  His laugh and smile kill me every time I see him!  He is one of my after-school students and is such a little punk during class.  Anytime we see him outside of class though, he instantly screams "TEACHA AMBA!!!" and sprints towards me to give me a giant hug.  He also is a huge fan of giving kisses on the cheek haha.  He has the most perfect teeth, is so small and energetic and is seriously my favorite little kid here which is saying a lot!  His favorite little phrase to say is "I love you teacha Amba" and it melts my heart into a million pieces every time he says it.  

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